So last tuesday Amanda and I were invited to assist Dom Karnaby- Red Carpet Photographer (whom we are currently interning for here and there) at the Launch of the Nintendo 3DS Party situated at the lovely venue, Simmer on the Bay.
Guests included, X-Factor host Luke Jacobz and contestants Joel and Luke O’Dea, the winner in the fourth cycle of Australia's Next Model, Demelza Reveley, Home & Away Stars Dan Ewing and David Jones Roberts, Underbelly Star Damian Walsh Howling, Director, Gracie Otto, Gamer and radio personality Maude Garrett, models Amber L’Estrange and Didier Cohen.
It was a great night thanks to our pre-bar hopping drinks of cranberry vodka and our favourite, Vodka Sunrise. We awkwardly stood around the VIP guests, assisting Dom in all the littlest way possible, that is, Amanda holding his lense cap and camera bag whilst I took down names of all the special guests who have been photographed by Dom. While we were left standing at the sponsor board, a nice photographer approached us and insisted to take a snap shot of us for the Sunday Telegraph. We hadn't really expected they would actually feature our photo but here it is! We woke up on Sunday morning only to have others notifying us that we were in the parties scene section of the newspaper along side Rochelle Fox & Emmilita Corvaia and Brendan Mclean & Maude Garret! :)
Thanks Dom for taking us with you and inviting us to all these wonderful events x
Also Featured in Nova 9.6.9's Album "Peeps at the Nintendo 3DS Launch"
You too look HOT loving all the photos :)
Aw thank you mr Samisoni!! x